Sunday 9 August 2009

The good things with cloud computing

Ok, after my rant against cloud computing, here is the good things that come with cloud computing.
  • When you do not want to bother yourself with (or can't do) hosting, there is a company that's ready to do it for you.
  • Frameworks are readily available to help you develop.
  • No problem with scalability.
  • When you have a startup or you want to start a website. Some sites such as Google's AppEngine allows to host for free until you reach a predefined quota.

I've decided to start an app, which I'll keep secret for now, on Google's AppEngine. This will allow me to discuss about using real life experience instead of doing like most of the bloggers, which is lots of buzzwords and repeating what they learned in books, white papers and other blogs.

I'll try to keep you informed with my discoveries about that particular framework.